Celebrating 100 Days of Learning

Early Term 3 saw the Foundation students of 2020 celebrating 100 days of learning. The students all dressed up as an 100 year old person. We congratulated ourselves on being 100 days smarter and enjoyed counting different items brought from home to our special number.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Amir:- Doctor
Mahveen: - Cook. I would cook eggs.
Arham: - I will be a grandpa. I will be a truck driver.
Ali 2:- A builder.
Ali 1: I will pick up rubbish.
Sajad: - I will be a writer.
Zainab: - I would help people and make them better.
Mortada: - A doctor.
Ayaan: - A grandpa. I would do homework.
Hussein:- A farmer.
Abbas: I will be a Ninja
Zuhair:- I would play soccer, be a soccer player.
Ali A:- A police job.
Mohammad:- A policeman.
Sahar:- I will clean up, be a cleaner.
Mariam 1: I will clean dishes.
Janat:- I would be a diver in the ocean. I would collect clams.
Imaan:- A doctor.

We were so fortunate to see this wonderful occasion happen at school (before remote learning resumed) and welcomed the Shepparton News to come and celebrate with us.

Will you live to be 100 years old?

Mahveen:- Yes.
Arham: - Yes.
Ali 2:- No, to 14.
Ali 1: - No, I will be 16.
Sajad:- No, I will be 50.
Zainab: - Yes.
Mortada: - Yes.
Ayaan: - Yes.
Abbas: - No, an adult to 20.
Hazine: - No.
Imaan:- No.
Mohammad: No.
Sahar:- Yes.
Mariam 1:- Yes
Janat:- No.
Hazine: Yes.
Gufran: - No.
Amir: - No, 10,000
Layla:- No
Zuhair:- No.
Ali A:- No
Marium 2: - No.

What can you do 100 things of?


Mahveen: - I can play with 100 toys.
Ayaan:- Play 100 cars.
Zuhair:- I can go and get the ball and then kick, stay high in the goal and kick the ball to the other person and get 100.


Amir:- To help fix my dad’s back.
Ali 2:- 100 houses. I can build 100 houses.
Ali 1:- I would paint 100 things.
Zainab:- I can draw.
Mortada: - Build.
Sahar:- I can dress up.
Ali A:- Fix cars and help people.


Arham:- Read 100 books.
Sajad:- I would write 100 things. I would go home and write on the computer.
Layla:- Collect 100 leaves.
Mohammad:- I say 100 things.
Janat:- I can do 100 things of learning.
Gufran: - Cleaning.
Mariam: Cleaning.
Marium 2: I can draw, count and skip to 100.
Abbas:- I can do 100 things to help.
Hazine: - I can’t, I’d be too tired.
Imaan:- I would make 100 people better.

If you had 100 legs what would you do?

Layla:- I would give them to my teachers.
Amir:- I would walk.
Mahveen: - I would run fast.
Arham:- I would walk everywhere.
Ali 2: - I would keep on sitting down.
Ali 1: - I would do my work faster. My paintings faster.
Sajad:- I would be faster. I would run faster.
Zainab: - I would wiggle them.
Mortada:- I would walk to my work.
Ayaan:- Drive a car.
Hussein: - I would run away from the crying baby when I’m scared.
Abbas:- My legs would break.
Zuhair:- I would hold every man and every ball.
Ali A:- I would help people who are dying.
Mohammad:- I would die.
Sahar:- I would swim in the water.
Janat:- I would swim with the 100 legs.
Hazine: - I would be a monster.
Gufran: - I would clean.
Mariam: - I would walk to school.
Imaan: - Walk.
Marium:- I would run fast.

Well done to our Foundation students. I am very proud of each and every one of you and it is a privilege to be your teacher. I look forward many years to come, to seeing what life will bring. Remember to try your best, work hard and stay positive!


Mrs. Tracy Jaap
Foundation Teacher